Book Title: Dissolved Organic Carbon in Groundwater Systems

Book Description: This book summarizes the most common sources of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in groundwater, the various analytical techniques for characterizing that DOC, the chemical and biological processes that control DOC concentrations, and the chemical and biological processes that affect the bioavailability of DOC.
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Book Description
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is a chemical constituent that is present in measurable quantities in virtually all groundwater. Because DOC typically consists of many thousands of different carbon-bearing moieties, its composition and its chemical and biological properties can be difficult to assess. This book summarizes the most common sources of DOC in groundwater, the various analytical techniques for characterizing that DOC, the chemical and biological processes that control DOC concentrations, and the chemical and biological processes that affect the bioavailability of DOC.
Dissolved Organic Carbon in Groundwater Systems Copyright © 2022 by Francis H. Chapelle. All Rights Reserved.