19 About the Authors

Dr. D. Kirk Nordstrom
Currently a senior scientist (emeritus) with more than 40 years with the Unites States Geological Survey, Dr. D. Kirk Nordstrom is recognized internationally for his research on acid mine drainage, radioactive waste disposal, geothermal chemistry, geomicrobiology, arsenic geochemistry, thermodynamics, and geochemical modeling. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Chemistry from Southern Illinois University, a Master of Science degree in Geology from the University of Colorado, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Earth Sciences from Stanford University. With more than 280 publications, he is particularly known for his measurement of negative pH in mine waters, his interpretation of mine water geochemistry, his evaluation and compilation of thermodynamic properties, arsenic geochemistry, and natural background concentrations at mine sites.

He has received the Birdsall-Dreiss Distinguished Lectureship Award from the Hydrogeology Division of the Geological Society of America and the Meritorious Service and Cooperative Conservation Awards from the United States Interior Department. Dr. Nordstrom served on the Board of Radioactive Waste Management for the National Research Council, served as chairman of the Hydrogeochemical Group to the International Stripa Project, participated in the International Poços de Caldas Natural Analogue Project, managing editor for geochemistry for Earth-Science Reviews, board member for the Thermal Biology Institute at Montana State University, and fellow of the Geological Society of America and the Mineralogical Society of America. He has consulted for numerous state, federal, and foreign government agencies, and advised 52 graduate students and post-docs. He has given short courses on geochemical modeling, arsenic geochemistry, geochemistry of acid mine drainage, and isotope hydrology in the USA, Spain, Portugal, Canada, and China. He has lectured in 20 foreign countries.

Dr. Pauline L. Smedley
Dr. Pauline
L. Smedley has worked since the late 1980s as a hydrogeochemist at the British Geological Survey (BGS), in Wallingford and subsequently Keyworth. She was also BGS Groundwater Protection team leader from 2014 to 2019. Her research interests include hydrogeochemistry of British aquifers; processes controlling mobilization and transport of trace elements of health concern in groundwater (fluoride, arsenic, molybdenum, uranium, nickel); water quality and impacts in developing countries; inorganic chemistry of bottled water; and corrosion and encrustation in groundwater installations and aquifers. Her current projects and collaborations involve establishing the baseline and investigating change in groundwater chemistry in shale-gas development areas (Lancashire, Yorkshire); chemistry of palaeowater in deep aquifers; groundwater-quality monitoring design; and fluoride and other water-quality problems in Ethiopian groundwater. She has a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Geochemistry from the University of Edinburgh and a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences/Geological Sciences from the University of East Anglia.

Dr. Smedley is a member of the International Association of Hydrologists and is a co-chair for the Groundwater Quality Commission in the same institution. She is a member of the Natural Environment Research Council Peer-review college and has guest lectured in Groundwater Quality at the Centre of Environment, University of Oxford since 2016.


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