10 Summary

Subsurface modeling concepts in this book were presented in the context of the static to dynamic model workflow. Every groundwater project is unique, and such workflows should be viewed more as a recommended organizational structure rather than a strict procedure. The typical sparsity of data constraints at the site level makes the initial conceptualization of structural and stratigraphic models the critical first step in the process. Workflow approaches have the benefit of providing a process to make sure that edits to assumptions and data constraints propagate though all levels of the completed project.

While some of the techniques discussed apply only to clastic aquifers, the method of constructing a 3D model framework from maps, cross sections, and contoured surfaces is universally applicable. All of the more advanced statistical and lithological modeling discussed still rely on a robust 3D framework. Sketching 3D frameworks out on pencil and paper or whiteboard as a team are also an excellent way to build consensus, define assumptions and facilitate communication. Using this as a starting point for modeling projects is a best practice.


Geologic Frameworks for Groundwater Flow Models Copyright © 2020 by J.P. Brandenburg. All Rights Reserved.