This book owes its existence primarily to the persuasiveness of John Cherry, and the always penetrating yet supportive editing he and Eileen Poeter provided. The technical accuracy, readability of the work, and effectiveness of the exercises was also reviewed by several graduate students working in the Devlin group, including Trevor Osorno, Bryan Heyer, Allison Cormican, and Matt Jones.
The thorough and useful reviews of and contributions to this book by the following individuals is gratefully acknowledged:
- Peter Kitanidis, Professor, of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, California, USA;
- Harald Klammler, Department of Civil & Coastal Engineering, University of Florida, Florida, USA;
- Mike Annable, Professor, Department of Civil & Coastal Engineering, University of Florida, Florida, USA;
- Peter Bennett, AMEC Geomatrix, 2101 Webster Street, 12th Floor, Oakland, California, USA; and,
- Vitaly Zlotnik, Professor Emeritus, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA.
I am grateful for Amanda Sills’ oversight of this book and to Elhana Dyck for copyediting, both of the Groundwater Project, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. I thank Eileen Poeter (Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA) for copyediting, layout editing and production of this book.