About the Authors

Dr. William W. Woessner is a University of Montana System Emeritus Regents’ Professor of Hydrogeology at the University of Montana. He taught introductory and graduate courses in the hydrogeological sciences; is the Past Acting Director of the Center for Riverine Science and Stream Re-naturalization, and President of Woessner Hydrologic. With over 40 years of experience he has mentored over 60 graduate students, many of whom have founded or work for environmental consulting firms; consulted for local, state and federal agencies, corporations, and non-profits applying field and modeling approaches to solve groundwater development and management issues including production well design and installation, and water use; propose resolutions to groundwater contamination events, and identify how surface water-groundwater interactions effect ecological systems. Dr. Woessner is the coauthor of two editions of “Applied Groundwater Modeling: Simulation of Flow and Advective Transport”; a 2011 Fulbright Scholar-NAWI Austria; is a Fellow of the Geological Society of America, the Birdsall Dreiss Lecturer in 2005, and the 2020 O. E. Meinzer Awardee; a Fellow and Life Member of the National Groundwater Association (NGWA) and was award the John Hem Excellence in Science and Engineering Award in 2008.

Eileen Poeter

Dr. Eileen Poeter is an Emeritus Professor of Geological Engineering at Colorado School of Mines, where she taught groundwater courses and advised more than 40 graduate students who worked with her on groundwater system investigations and modeling research projects. She is also Past Director of the Integrated Groundwater Modeling Center; and retired President of Poeter Engineering. With 40 years of experience modeling groundwater systems, she has consulted to attorneys, industries, engineering companies, government agencies, research labs, and citizen groups on groundwater modeling projects for: aquifer storage and recovery; slurry wall performance; drainage at proposed nuclear power plant facilities; regional groundwater management, large-scale regional pumping, dam seepage, contaminant migration, impacts of dewatering, and stream-aquifer interaction. Dr. Poeter is an author of groundwater modeling software including evaluation of model sensitivity, assessment of data needs, model calibration, selection and ranking of models, and evaluation of predictive uncertainty. She was the National Groundwater Association (NGWA) Darcy Lecturer in 2006 and received their M. King Hubbert award in 2017 as well as being an NGWA Fellow and Life Member.


Hydrogeologic Properties of Earth Materials and Principles of Groundwater Flow Copyright © 2020 by The Authors. All Rights Reserved.