Book Title: Introduction to Karst Aquifers
Book Description: The focus of this karst aquifer book is on water supply in formations composed of rocks that can dissolve (aquifers composed predominantly of carbonate and evaporite rocks). The study of karst aquifers is interdisciplinary because investigating them involves geologic mapping, geophysics, geochemistry, fluid mechanics, geomorphology, hydrology, numerical modeling, and microbiology. The purpose of this introductory book is to expose readers to the complexity of flow in karst aquifers and the many methods from various disciplines that have been applied to study and characterize karst aquifers for water supply.
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Book Description
The focus of this karst aquifer book is on water supply in formations composed of rocks that can dissolve (aquifers composed predominantly of carbonate and evaporite rocks). The study of carbonate and evaporite sedimentary rocks is a complex field in geology involving physical, chemical, and biological processes along with an understanding of sedimentation in fluvial and marine environments. Thus, the study of karst aquifers is interdisciplinary because investigating them involves geologic mapping, geophysics, geochemistry, fluid mechanics, geomorphology, hydrology, numerical modeling, and microbiology. Most hydrogeologists develop their skills related to karst aquifers on the job or through study for an advanced degree and continue learning throughout their careers. The purpose of this introductory book is to expose readers to the complexity of flow in karst aquifers and the many methods from various disciplines that have been applied to study and characterize karst aquifers for water supply.
Sections 1 through 3 present the important topics pertaining to groundwater flow in karst aquifers in a general way. The rest of the book provides details about the methods of characterization mentioned in the first section. The last section describes mathematical models to provide a general understanding of the types of models applied in Karst settings.
Introduction to Karst Aquifers Copyright © 2022 by Eve L. Kuniansky, Charles J. Taylor, and Frederick Paillet. All Rights Reserved.