C |
solute concentration (M/L3) |
c and cs |
specific heat capacities of the groundwater and rock, respectively (ML2/(T2Θ)) |
C0 |
initial concentration of the groundwater (M/L3) |
Ci |
concentration species i (M/L3) |
Ci,0 |
reference concentration of species i (M/L3) |
cP |
volumetric heat capacity (M/(LT2Θ)) |
Css |
concentration associated with a source (M/L3) |
D |
diffusion coefficient (L2/T); for solutes, D=DC the molecular diffusion coefficient; for heat, D=DT the thermal diffusion coefficient |
solute dispersion tensor (L2/T) which includes the effect of both molecular diffusion and mechanical dispersion |
DC |
solute diffusion coefficient in the bulk medium which is decreased from the diffusion coefficient in open water by the factors of connected porosity (n) and tortuosity (τ) (L2/T) |
ΔC |
concentration difference (M/L3) |
Δρ |
density difference (M/L3) |
∆T |
temperature difference (Θ) |
DT |
thermal diffusivity (L2/T) |
dispersion tensor which includes the combined effects of thermal conduction and mechanical dispersion (L2/T) |
g |
gravitational acceleration (L/T2) |
gravitational acceleration vector (L/T2) |
H |
thickness of the layer (L) |
hp |
pressure head (L) |
hp,i |
pressure head for a piezometer at location i containing a fluid column with density ρi (L) |
solute mass flux (M/(L2T)) |
heat flux (M/T3) |
k |
intrinsic permeability (L2) |
Kd |
distribution coefficient (L3/M) |
kT |
thermal conductivity (ML/(T3Θ)) |
μ |
dynamic viscosity (M/(LT)) |
n |
porosity (dimensionless) |
∇ |
gradient operator which represents the rate of change of a variable per unit of distance in the x, y and z direction |
NS |
total number of solutes that contribute to the fluid density |
p |
pressure (M/(LT2)) |
p0 |
initial fluid pressure (M/(LT2)) |
slope of the density-concentration relationship for species i |
specific discharge (L/T) |
Qh |
heat flow across the source boundary (M/T3) |
Qm |
mass flux across the source boundary (M/(TL2)) |
qss |
discharge rate per unit of volume of water source, or sink (1/T) |
ρ |
groundwater density (M/L3) |
ρ0 |
density of the fluid at initial concentration, temperature and pressure (M/L3) |
ρb |
dry bulk density of the rock (M/L3) |
ρr |
density of the rock (M/L3) |
ρss |
density of water source, or sink (M/L3) |
t |
time (T) |
T |
temperature (Θ) |
T0 |
initial temperature of the groundwater (Θ) |
Tss |
temperature associated with a source (Θ) |
z |
elevation relative to a datum (L) |