I deeply appreciate the thorough and useful reviews of and contributions to this book by the following individuals:
- Dr. Daniel Gimenez, Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA;
- Dr. Paul C. Johnson, President and Professor, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA;
- Dr. Kevin Mumford, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada; and,
- Dr. Harald Klammler, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA.
I thank Amanda Sills, Elhana Dyck, Juliana Apolonio and Gillian Larkin of the Groundwater Project for their oversight, formatting and editing. of this book. I appreciate Colorado School of Mines Emeritus Professor, Eileen Poeter, for her reviews, editing and final production of this book.
David B. McWhorter