2.1 Effective Intergranular Stress and Soil Parameters

The theories of land subsidence are founded on basic principles of soil mechanics. Thus, the following discussion describes soil parameters, however, references to soil can be viewed as aquifer and confining bed material in a groundwater system.

The soil is viewed as a set of grains in contact. Assume a degree of saturation equal to 1 (that is, full saturation). Make a (macroscopically) horizontal cross section through the soil intersecting the contact points (Figure 11).

A schematic vertical cross‑section through a porous medium.

Figure 11 ‑ Schematic vertical cross‑section through a porous medium. The black dashed line is the crossing surface and the dotted orange line is the horizontal projection of the crossing surface.

Consider a piece of such a section with area A on a horizontal plane (dotted orange line, Figure 11) and n contact points (black arrows, Figure 11). If Fzi is the vertical component of the force that the grains exchange through the ith contact area (Figure 11), we define “effective intergranular stressσz by Equation 1.

\displaystyle \sigma _{z}=\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}F_{zi}}{A} (1)

Equation 1 shows that effective intergranular stress is the uniform stress over the unit horizontal projection of a crossing surface with n contact points. Stress is a force per unit area and has dimensions of ML-1T-2, that is, the same dimensions as pressure. The effective intergranular stress is equivalent to the combined individual stresses, σzi = Fzi/Ai spread over the horizontal area, A, with stress taken to be positive in compression such that the force is the same. That is,

\displaystyle \sigma _{z}A=\sum_{i=1}^{n}\sigma _{zi}A_{i}


\displaystyle \sigma _{z}=\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}\sigma _{zi}A_{i}}{A}=\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}F_{zi}}{A}

Denote the geostatic stress by σc, that is, the weight of a soil column applied to a unit horizontal area at a given depth. The weight of a soil column is the combined weight of the solids and the fluids in the pores. In the case of full saturation, σc is equilibrated by σz and the pore pressure p as shown in Equation 2. The fluid pressure is distributed over the unit area minus the area of grain contacts as expressed in the parentheses of Equation 2.

\displaystyle \sigma _{c}=\sigma _{z}+p\left ( 1-\sum_{i=1}^{n}A_{i}\textup{cos}\alpha _{i} \right ) (2)


σc = geostatic stress (ML-1T-2)
σz = effective intergranular stress (ML-1T-2)
p = pore pressure (ML-1T-2)
αi = angle between the contact area, Ai, and the vertical
Ai = contact area normal to the force between grains (L2)

The contact area Σ(Ai cosαi) is much smaller than 1 (as explained in Box 1), thus the quantity within the parentheses is essentially 1, hence, on first approximation, Equation 2 becomes Equation 3.

σc = σz + p (3)

The geostatic load σc is also called “total vertical stress”. If σc remains constant during pumping (this is essentially the case for a pumped confined aquifer because pores do not drain), a decrease of p induces an equal increase of effective intergranular stress, σz, under whose effect the pumped formation compacts. Of course, this is a preliminary analysis. A more complete study should take into account second order effects such as the forces of mutual attraction among the grains and the fluid surface tension as well as the gas pressure in partially saturated soils.

To evaluate the compaction of a formation with decreased pore pressures we need to define a few dimensionless characteristic soil parameters:

  • the void ratio e, that is, the ratio of the pore volume to the grain volume; and,
  • the porosity ϕ, that is, the ratio of the pore volume to the total volume.

The following relationships hold:

e = PoreVolume/(TotalVolume ‑ PoreVolume) = ϕ/(1 ‑ ϕ)

ϕ = e/(1 + e)

A most important experimental profile is the behavior of e versus σz as derived from laboratory tests on soil samples from the compacting formation. Qualitatively, the behavior of e versus σz is shown in Figure 12. If the effective intergranular stress increases, the formation compacts and e decreases. As a first approximation, we assume the grains to be incompressible (the grains are much, much stiffer than the porous matrix, and especially so in shallow soils). This implies that the porous medium compaction is due essentially to the reduction of the pore volume, that is, the reduction of e and ϕ.

Graphs showing the typical behavior of the void ratio e against a) the effective intergranular stress σz and b) log σz.

Figure 12 ‑ Typical behavior of the void ratio e against a) the effective intergranular stress σz and b) log σz. The over‑consolidation (if present), normal consolidation, and reloading phases are highlighted on (b). Over-consolidation denotes a soil that has, in the past, experienced a maximum effective stress equal to σzc that was later reduced (e.g., because of surface erosion).

The total compaction η of a layer (η has dimensions of length) as illustrated in Figure 2 (repeated here for the readers convenience) with initial thickness s0 and initial void ratio e0 is completely due to reduced pore space as reflected by Equation 4.

Figure showing soil compaction with a reduction of the porous space.

Repeat of Figure 2 for the reader’s convenience ‑ Soil compaction η with a reduction of the porous space (grains are incompressible for all practical purposes).

\displaystyle \eta =s_{0}\frac{\Delta e}{1+e_{0}} (4)

Equation 4 is readily derived by means of the following geometric consideration: if we assume the solid grains are incompressible, the grain volume “disappeared” because of compaction must be equal to the increased volume of the grains within the compacted layer. Let A represent the horizontal area of the compacting layer. With reference to Figure 2, the grain volume loss due to compaction η is equal to ηA(1 – ϕ0), i.e.,

ηA/(1 + e0)

and the increased grain volume in the compacted layer is equal to sA((1 – ϕ) – (1 – ϕ0)), that is,

\displaystyle (s_{0}-\eta )A\left ( \frac{1}{1+e_{0}-\Delta e}-\frac{1}{1+e_{0}} \right )

Then, equating the above two equations and rearranging yields Equation 4.

The uniaxial vertical soil compressibility cb is the fractional change in volume, dV)/ΔV, in response to a unit change in stress, dσz, and has dimensions of inverse stress M1LT2.

\displaystyle c_{b}=\frac{d(\Delta V)}{dz}\frac{1}{\Delta V}


cb = uniaxial vertical soil compressibility (M1LT2)
ΔV = volume before compaction (L3)

Since dV)/ΔV = (Pore Volume change)/(Pore Volume + Grain Volume) = Δe/(1 + e), we can substitute Δe/(1 + e) for dV)/ΔV to obtain the following expression for cb.

\displaystyle c_{b}=\frac{1}{d\sigma _{z}}\frac{\Delta e}{1+e}

The uniaxial vertical soil compressibility can be expressed as shown in Equation 5 by including a minus sign so as to obtain a positive cb value (σc and σz are assumed to be positive even though they are compressive stresses). Then, compressibility, cb, can be estimated in the laboratory by finding the slope of the experimental profile shown in Figure 12a and evaluating Equation 5.

\displaystyle c_{b}=\frac{de}{d\sigma _{z}}\frac{1}{1+e} (5)

The minus sign in the above equation is introduced so as to obtain a positive cb value (σc and σz are assumed to be positive although they are compressive stresses). Assume cb is constant, then Equation 5 leads to:

\displaystyle \frac{de}{1+e}=-c_{b}d\sigma _{z}

and integration leads to:

ln(1 + e) = −cbσz + C

which simplifies to Equation 6.

\displaystyle e=C\ \textup{exp}(-c_{b}\sigma _{z})-1 (6)

The integration constant C is determined by prescribing that e = e0 for σz = σz0, thus C is:

\displaystyle C=(1+e_{0})\textup{exp}[-(-c_{b}\sigma _{z})]

and substituting C into Equation 6 results in Equation 7.

\displaystyle e=(1+e_{0})\textup{exp}[-c_{b}(\sigma _{z}-\sigma _{z0})]-1 (7)

Generally, e0 corresponds to the initial conditions where σz = σz0 prior to the inception of pumping. The assumption of constant cb has validity over a limited range of σz. The porous medium becomes stiffer as Δσz increases and compaction progresses. Therefore, Equation 7 will be used for σz values falling within a given stress range. In general, cb will be calculated using Equation 5 once the profile of Figure 12 is available.


Land Subsidence and its Mitigation Copyright © 2021 by Giuseppe Gambolati and Pietro Teatini. All Rights Reserved.