7.1 The Need for Artificial Recharge – Setting the Scene
Kharkams is a small village with a population of 1700 in the semi-arid Namaqualand region of South Africa. Namaqualand receives winter rainfall, on average less than 200 mm. There are no perennial rivers in the area and water is obtained from subterranean sources. During the short spring in this region, between August and September, a few drops of rain transform the arid landscape with vast expanses of wild flowers of every shape and color, creating carpets of bright orange and yellow as shown on Figure 34 (Travel Guide, 2020). A summary of the Kharkams system is provided in Table 8.
Name of scheme | Kharkams |
Location | Village in Namaqualand, South Africa |
Mean annual rainfall | < 200 mm |
Source of water | Flood water (irregular) |
Type of aquifer | Hard rock (granites and gneisses) aquifer |
End use of water | Domestic use |
Type of managed aquifer recharge | Borehole injection |
Current average volume of water recharged | 1 L/s maximum injection rate |
Volume of water recovered | 0.005 Mm3/year |
Year commenced | 1995 |
Owner/management of scheme | Kamiesberg local municipality |
Unique attributes of this MAR scheme | Only source in arid remote area; cheap and simple technology |