The dedication and excellent scientific/technical work of many individuals and institutions, over many decades already, is herewith acknowledged. Particular mention must be made of the pioneering role in the whole region of Dr. Gideon Tredoux of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research and of Dr. Ricky Murray of Groundwater Africa. The ongoing initiation and funding role of the Water Research Commission (WRC) has been a critical success factor. The now Department of Water Affairs and Sanitation (DWS) has acted as custodian for all AR work over many years and, importantly, has contributed a strategy and a website in this regard. Funding by the Ground Water Division of the Geological Society of Southern Africa has enabled the summary task and is herewith acknowledged. Thanks to the reviewers, the text received fresh structure to bring out the educational purpose with this summary.
We deeply appreciate the thorough and useful reviews of and contributions to this book by the following individuals:
- Yan Zheng, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China
- Bill Alley, National Groundwater Association, San Diego, California, USA
- Dr. Ricky Murray, Groundwater Africa, Somerset West, Western Cape, South Africa
We are grateful for Amanda Sills’ (GW-P) oversight of this book and Juliana Apolonio’s (GW-P) copyediting. We thank Eileen Poeter (Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA) for copyediting, layout editing and production of this book.