We deeply appreciate the thorough and useful reviews of and contributions to this book by the following individuals:
- Dr. Eileen Poeter, Professor Emeritus, Colorado School of Mines, United States;
- Dr. Ineke M. Kalwij, President, Principal Hydrogeologist, Kalwij Water Dynamics Inc.;
- Earl Greene, Director, Water Resources Research Act Program, USGS, United States;
- David Nelms, Retired Groundwater Specialist, USGS, United States;
- Dr. Thomas D. Byl, Hydrologist USGS and Assistant Professor, Tennessee State University, United States;
- Dr. Warren Wood, Emeritus, Groundwater Hydrologist, USGS, United States;
- Dr. John Cherry, Adjunct Professor, University of Guelph; Professor Emeritus, University of Waterloo, Canada;
- Dr. Patryk Quinn, Research Scientist, Engineering Department, University of Guelph, Canada;
- Dr. Jack Sharp, Professor Emeritus, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, United States;
- Everton de Oliveira, President of Hidroplan, Brazil, Director-President of the Instituto Água Sustentável (Sustainable Water Institute), Brazil; and,
- Dr. Hugh Whiteley, Adjunct Professor, Engineering, University of Guelph, Canada.
We are grateful for Amanda Sills and the Formatting Team of the Groundwater Project for their oversight and copyediting of this book. We thank Eileen Poeter (Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA) for reviewing, editing, and producing this book.