About the Authors

Dr. Eileen Poeter is an Emeritus Professor of Geological Engineering at Colorado School of Mines, where she taught groundwater courses and advised more than 40 graduate students who worked with her on groundwater system investigations and modeling research projects. She is also Past Director of the Integrated Groundwater Modeling Center; and retired President of Poeter Engineering. With 40 years of experience modeling groundwater systems, she has consulted to attorneys, industries, engineering companies, government agencies, research labs, and citizen groups on groundwater modeling projects for: aquifer storage and recovery; slurry wall performance; drainage at proposed nuclear power plant facilities; regional groundwater management, large‑scale regional pumping, dam seepage, contaminant migration, impacts of dewatering, and stream‑aquifer interaction. Dr. Poeter is an author of groundwater modeling software including evaluation of model sensitivity, assessment of data needs, model calibration, selection and ranking of models, and evaluation of predictive uncertainty. She was the NGWA Darcy Lecturer in 2006 and received their M. King Hubbert award in 2017 as well as being an NGWA Fellow and Life Member.

Dr. Ying Fan is a professor in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Rutgers University – New Brunswick. Her research centers on how hydrologic processes modulate global water, energy, and biogeochemical cycles, and in particular how water shapes plant ecology and evolution. She served on National Academy of Science (NAS) Committee on Future Water Resource Needs for the Nation, the editorial board of the journal Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS), the Board of Directors of CUAHSI (Consortium of Universities for Advancement of Hydrologic Sciences, Inc.), and is currently serving on NASA Earth Science Advisory Committee (ESAC), the editorial board of the journal Hydrological Processes (HYP), and the UN commissioned Amazon Science Panel (SPA) on the state of the Amazon.

Dr. John Cherry, after study in the USA and a post‑doc in France, joined the University of Waterloo in 1971 for field research on the migration and fate of contaminants in groundwater and their remediation. He co‑authored “Groundwater” with R.A. Freeze (1979) and co‑edited/co‑authored several chapters in the book “Dense Chlorinated Solvents….in Groundwater” (1996). He is the founding Director of the University Consortium for Field‑Focused Groundwater Contamination Research. At the G360 Centre for Groundwater Research, University of Guelph, he participates in research on groundwater monitoring technologies and creating safe wells for rural people in remote terrain. He was Chair of the Canadian Expert Panel on Environmental Impacts of Shale Gas development (2012‑2014). He is a Foreign Member of the U.S. Academy of Engineering. He received the Lee Kwan Yew Water Prize in 2016, and the Stockholm Water Prize, 2020.

Dr. Warren Wood is currently a Visiting Professor of Hydrogeology in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Michigan State University and formally the Christiansen Fellow, St. Catherin’s College, Oxford University, U.K. and Research Hydrologist U.S. Geological Survey. Warren has published more than 120 research articles on hydrogeology of arid areas and lectured at over 100 universities in North America, China, Botswana, Japan, Oman, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordon, Qatar, U.K. Germany, France, and Mexico. Warren was awarded the Meritorious Service Award by the U. S. Department of Interior; M. King Hubbert Medal by the National Ground Water Association; Distinguished Service Award, Geological Society of America and Elected Fellow of the Geological Society of America. Warren served at Editor‑in‑Chief of the Journal Ground Water and testified before U.S. congress, briefed the Secretary of Interior, and Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on role of hydrogeology in nuclear waste disposal.

Dr. Douglas Mackay is Adjunct Professor Emeritus, Department of Land, Air & Water Resources, University of California, Davis. His research included field tests and modeling of contaminant transport, transformation, and remediation in the subsurface, laboratory studies of processes controlling field behavior, development of groundwater remediation technologies, methods for estimating total mass discharge of, and thus risk presented by, contaminants in groundwater or the vadose zone, and methods for release of solutes (remediation amendments, tracers) into groundwater. His research addressed a variety of organic contaminants, including crude oil, refined petroleum products, ethanol‑blended gasoline, gasoline oxygenates, pesticides, halogenated solvents, and very hydrophobic chemicals comingled with solvents and other species. He taught graduate classes on Transport and Fate of Organic Contaminants and Natural and Engineered Groundwater Remediation, served on two US National Research Council committees, collaborated on applied research involving pilot tests with consulting firms, and is co‑inventor on two groundwater remediation patents.