Solution to Exercise 4

4) A regional unconfined sand aquifer was developed during 1990. As a result of the extraction of water the water table dropped about 40 m over a 1 square km area. If the porosity is 34% and the specific retention is 12%, how much water (m3) was withdrawn from the impacted area? How might this volume differ if the aquifer were a 100 m thick confined sand with water at a temperature of 8°C?

Calculate the volume by using Equation 48 of this book.

Volume of Unconfined Water Drained = SyAh


Volume = volume drained from an unconfined aquifer over an area, A, for a water table elevation change of ∆h (L3)
Sy = specific yield (dimensionless)
A = area over which the water table changes (L2)
h = change in water table elevation (L)

Sy can be determined as neSr as shown by Equation 13 of this book.

\displaystyle n_e=\ S_y+\ S_r
Volume of Unconfined Water Drained = (0.34 – 0.12) 1000m 1000m 40m
Volume from Unconfined Aquifer = 8,800,000 m3 = 8.8 million m3

If the aquifer were a 100-meter thick confined sand

Ss = ρg (α + neβ)


Ss = specific storage (1/L)
α = compressibility of the aquifer solid structure (T2L/M)
ne = effective porosity (dimensionless)
β = compressibility of water (T2L/M)

Use a compressibility value for sand found in Table 4 and a density for 8°C water from Figure 28 in this book.

\displaystyle S_s=\left(1000\frac{\textup{kg}}{\textup{m}^3}\right)\left(9.8\frac{\textup{m}}{{\textup{s}}^2}\right)\ \left({1\times 10}^{-8}\frac{\textup{m}^2}{\frac{\textup{kg}\ \textup{m}}{{\textup{s}}^2}}\ +\left(0.34\right)\ \left(4.4\times 10^{-10}\frac{\textup{m}^2}{\frac{\textup{kg}\ \textup{m}}{{\textup{s}}^2}}\right)\right)
\displaystyle S_{s}=\frac{1\times 10^{-4}}{\textup{m}}

Equation 49 of this book is used to determine storativity:

\displaystyle S_{confined}=S_sb=\left(\frac{{1\times10}^{-4}}{\textup{m}}\right)\ 40\ \textup{m}=\ {4\times10}^{-3}

Equation 50 of this book determines the volume.

Volume of Confined Water Drained = SAΔh
Volume of Confined Water Drained = 4×10-3 1000m 1000m 40m
Volume of Confined Water Drained = 160,000m3

Return to Exercise 4


Hydrogeologic Properties of Earth Materials and Principles of Groundwater Flow Copyright © 2020 by The Authors. All Rights Reserved.