3.4 Void Ratio

Engineering and soil mechanics professionals use the term void ratio, e, when describing the amount of void space in a soil or rock. The void ratio is the volume of voids divided by the volume of solids as shown in Equation 7.

\displaystyle e=\frac{V_V}{V_S} (7)


e = void ratio (dimensionless)
VV = volume of voids (L3)
VS = volume of solids (L3)

The void ratio, VV / VS, is always larger than the total porosity, VV / VT, because the value of VS (the denominator of the void ratio) is always less than the total sample volume, VT. Recognizing the total sample volume is equal to VV + VS, total porosity can be calculated from void ratio as shown in Equation 8.

\displaystyle n=\frac{e}{1+e} (8)

Both porosity and void ratio are used to characterize the open space of soil, sediments and rocks. Groundwater professionals most commonly use total porosity or effective porosity to compare the open space of earth materials. They use effective porosity to determine the capacity of a material to store groundwater.


Hydrogeologic Properties of Earth Materials and Principles of Groundwater Flow Copyright © 2020 by The Authors. All Rights Reserved.